Design Awareness Questions & Ideal Design Signature Sketches


This exercise was designed with the assumption that you have created design awareness questions in previous topics.

Step 1

Compile all your different design awareness questions into a list. 

Step 2

Consider similarities, differences, and how your questions may have changed over time. If you are in a group, you may analyze your design awareness questions together. 

Step 3

Come up with a few potential final design awareness questions based on your analysis from Step 2, as well as a synthesis of your design awareness work throughout the various Dear Design topics. You will be using these questions to create your final ideal design signature. 

Step 4

Put a star next to your top three questions; this will inform the next step. 

Step 5

With your new design awareness questions in mind, create three sketches of a potential ideal design signature. You may either choose to create a single sketch for each of your top three questions, or create three sketches that address one of your top three questions.