Postcard 9 - Reflection Prompts


Engage with these questions after you complete your Ideal Design Signature (Topic 9) postcard. You may copy and paste them somewhere convenient for you and write out answers or use the questions as a guide to reflect on your postcard design process.

Write a paragraph explaining your design signature. Imagine addressing readers without a background in design—how might you help them understand your postcard? This description would augment the key on the back of your postcard, not replace it!

What is the design awareness question(s) you are addressing in your ideal design signature?

On the whole, looking at your postcards across the Dear Design curriculum, what do you notice about your images?   

Please share any ideas that you considered but were not included in your final representation. Be sure to keep any photos or sketches you may have had of your other ideas. 

What are the most important things that you want to remember from the Dear Design curriculum when you do design in the future?

Has participation in Dear Design affected how you currently do design?  How? 

What is your definition of design awareness at this time?

Are there any other observations you would like to make?