In brainstorming activities, students practice thinking broadly about design and design awareness.
In “What Counts as Design?” students will have an introduction to the concept of design as a broad, multidisciplinary, and ultimately common action in their everyday lives. From creating a playlist, to developing a recipe for chocolate chip cookies, to planning a UX mobile prototype, design happens everywhere.
Subject area: Understanding design
Activity types: Affinity grouping, Brainstorming, Discussion
In “Forming Design Awareness Questions” students learn about design awareness and practice it by creating design awareness questions. These questions encourage students to be curious about their design process, what happens in it, and what choices they make.
Subject area: Design awareness, Design process, Reflection
Activity type: Discussion, Brainstorming
In “Art and Perspective” students find and share art pieces that reflect the concept of “perspective”. Perspective is an important part of design. Designers and engineers focus on multiple users and stakeholders’ perspectives, and take into account the context of the space they’re in.
Subject Area: Understanding design, Design awareness, Reflection
Activity Type: Brainstorming