Activities about Design Awareness

In design awareness activities, students begin to grasp the complex nature of metacognition: being aware of, and understanding your own thought processes and behaviors. This awareness can contribute to a more comprehensive design process, and improve their experience of doing design.

Good Designers Do "X": Affinity Grouping

In “Good Designers do “X”: Affinity Grouping”, students will have the opportunity to broadly analyze expert designers’ ideas about what good designers do and reflect on the patterns that they see.

Subject area: Design expertise, design awareness, design process
Activity type: Affinity grouping, Discussion

Good Designers Do "X": Mapping Design to Conceptual Frameworks

In “Good Designers do “X”: Connecting Design and Teamwork”, students will identify and make connections between Good Designers do “X” statements and conceptual frameworks of teamwork and team dynamics. We have three frameworks here, but we encourage you to also apply any of your own frameworks that you find or develop.

Subject area: Design awareness, Design process, Design expertise, Teamwork
Activity type: Discussion

Good Designers Do "X": Pick A Card

In “Good Designers do “X”: Pick a Card”, students will have the opportunity to dive through expert designers’ ideas about what good designers do and reflect on the statements that resonate with them.

Subject area: Design expertise, design awareness, design process, reflection
Activity type: Discussion

Forming Design Awareness Questions

In “Forming Design Awareness Questions” students learn about design awareness and practice it by creating design awareness questions. These questions encourage students to be curious about their design process, what happens in it, and what choices they make. 

Subject area: Design awareness, Design process, Reflection
Activity type: Discussion, Brainstorming

Art and Perspective

In “Art and Perspective” students find and share art pieces that reflect the concept of “perspective”. Perspective is an important part of design. Designers and engineers focus on multiple users and stakeholders’ perspectives, and take into account the context of the space they’re in.

Subject Area: Understanding design, Design awareness, Reflection
Activity Type: Brainstorming