Learn to make a detailed, effective, and informative key!

Postcard 8 - Design Inspirations


For this topic, think big and cast a broad net for your inspirations. Based on the expert designers’ responses to the prompt “Good Designers do 'X'” and the concepts from the slides, what resonated with you or inspired you? How might you imagine your own design process using these (new?) insights as a lens, guide, or inspiration?

Before you create your postcard, visit the reflection questions (linked below) and read through them. Then, answer the following questions: 

  • What inspires you as a designer? And why?
  • Do you have a new design awareness question based on your inspiration? What is it?

Choose: inspiration/knowledge (either from a category from your affinity grouping of the “Good Designers do 'X'” quotes, a specific quote from an individual expert designer, or other…)

Recall: or modify your design awareness question

Capture: Use any past data capture as inspiration, OR abstractly imagine your process

Interpret: your past and present design processes through your chosen lens (for example, the quotes presented today, or your own experience or knowledge)

Represent: your design inspirations through a potential design process that is inspired from your own experiences and your interpretation of the concepts presented in this topic

Describe: Make a key (following the template) to guide others’ understanding of your representation on the back of the postcard