Postcard 7 - Reflection Prompts


Engage with these questions after you complete your Design Expertise Research (Topic 7) postcard. You may copy and paste them somewhere convenient for you and write out answers or use the questions as a guide to reflect on your postcard design process.

What did you learn about your design process from creating this postcard?

What is the design awareness question(s) you are focusing on at the moment?

Does this representation help answer your design awareness question?

How has or how might these observations influence your future design processes? Cite a specific example if you have one.

What else comes to mind for you about this topic and postcard?

How was your experience using the Design Signatures App? Would you consider using this app as a capture method in the future? 

Did you use any references when creating your postcard? (e.g. the postcard archives on this site, the Dear Data website, etc.) If so, what were they?