Learn to make a detailed, effective, and informative key!

Postcard 7 - Design Expertise Research


This week you will focus on interpreting your data through the lens of the Design Expertise research and the timeline representations from that research. This postcard should be inspired by expert design behaviors you want to focus on. Sources of inspiration include the design expertise research results and the timeline from your new design activity capture with the Design Signatures App. Alternatively, you may use your Oreo making timeline from the app instead of a new capture. Focus on capturing and representing design activities rather than emotion or cognitive complexity, etc.

Recall or modify your design awareness question (making sure that it is focused on design activities)

Choose: Design activity / Design Process

Capture: Use the Design Signatures app to capture your new design process (if this is not possible for you, use the same dataset as your last postcard)

Interpret: your timeline output using Design Expertise research as your lens

Represent: Your visualization should be inspired by your timeline output

Describe: Make a key (following the template) to guide others’ understanding of your representation on the back of the postcard