“same prompt , different interpretations is always interesting to see. I'm more curious about the different data capture methods and how they could in the future help me in my design processes”
“The way different people in my groups interpreted the N/A and the effects it has on our visualizations.”
“Thinking about missing data also got me thinking about good ways to showcase bias, or personal opinions in this type of data representation.”
“Thinking about how to balance the process of capturing just enough detail without being too disrupted. How do we do that?”
“How much tools determine how we capture design processes. Capturing data is a context-driven decision”
“How problematic some capture methods can be for one design process, and how easy it can be for a different design process”
“We realized that, within our breakout group, we had two main approaches to showcasing N/A / missing data - 2 people opted to have actual gaps represented by physical spaces, and me and one other person opted for that being a category and color by itself.”
“Because of the brainstorming activity, I got some ideas for my second postcard!”
“'Zooming in' on a particular phase of design and capturing that process is interesting. The level of detail one is able to depict is much greater”
“I feel like I’m understanding more about sourcing data and seeing the tradeoffs. It’s not something that I typically consider while designing, so it’s been like exercising a new muscle! It also feels like it never really stops!”
“Considering not just the time it might take to gather the data with a method, but also the time to examine the data, and how disruptive it is to the process.”