Activities about Data Visualization

Data visualization activities help students learn to represent data in a visual format: for example, students might use different graphics or shapes to visually display the time it took to enact each stage of their design process.

Many Models of Design

In “Many Models of Design” students explore “How do you design?: A Compendium of Design Models” by Hugh Dubberly. The Dubberly Compendium is an amazing resource that compiles over one hundred design process models. Through their exploration, students are introduced to the idea that design is plural, not monolithic. 

Subject area: Understanding design, Data visualization, Design process, Reflection
Activity type: Discussion

Project: Marshmallow Tower

“Marshmallow Tower” is part of the Design Activities resource, which compiles activities that students can use to practice and reflect on design processes. In “Marshmallow Tower”, students will work in teams to create the tallest freestanding tower out of dry spaghetti noodles and duct tape to support a jumbo marshmallow at the top.

Subject area: Capturing data, Data visualization, Teamwork
Activity type: Hands-on build

Project: Balloon Car

“Balloon Car” is part of the Design Activities resource, which compiles activities that students can use to practice and reflect on design processes. In “Balloon Car”, students will work in teams to create, iterate, and test a balloon-powered vehicle.

Subject area: Capturing data, Data visualization, Teamwork
Activity type: Hands-on build

Project: Oreo Tower

“Oreo Tower” is part of the Design Activities resource, which compiles activities that students can use to practice and reflect on design processes. In “Oreo Tower”, students will work in teams to create the tallest freestanding tower out of Oreo cookies.

Subject area: Capturing data, Data visualization, Teamwork
Activity type: Hands-on build

Project: Soccer World Cup

“Soccer World Cup” is part of the Design Activities resource, which compiles activities that students can use to practice and reflect on design processes. In “Soccer World Cup, students will work in teams to make a device to score a ping-pong "soccer" goal.

Subject area: Capturing data, Data visualization, Teamwork
Activity type: Hands-on build

Watch: Oreo-making Video

“Oreo-making Video” is part of the Design Activities resource, which compiles activities that students can use to practice and reflect on design processes. In “Oreo-making video”, students will work in teams to view Bon Appetit's video, "Pastry Chef Attempts To Make Gourmet Oreos", and track the pastry chef's design process to gain a better understanding of what design process tracing looks like.

Subject area: Capturing data, Data visualization
Activity type: Video