Oreo Making - Coding
For this exercise you will be watching a 15-min Oreo Making video* and using a codebook to capture the activities of a design process being enacted in the video. The codebook includes the six design process activities you will use to code the video, along with a definition and example of each code.
To use the codebook, open the read-only file and copy it onto a personal spreadsheet. The codebook template splits the video into 5 sections for 5 groups, but you may complete the entire activity individually.
Step 1
Select a 3.5-min section of the video to watch. We suggest watching timestamp 4:40 - 8:10 or 8:10 - 11:40.
Step 2
Watch the first 60 seconds of the section you chose.
Step 3
Go back and watch the same minute again—this time in 10 second intervals.
Step 4
Pause and write down in your own words in the codebook what is happening in each 10 second interval.
Step 5
Label each description with a code from the codebook.
Step 6
Watch sections again if necessary.
Step 7
Once you finish coding that minute, move onto the next minute of the video.
* Bon Appétit. (2018, July 31). Pastry Chef Attempts To Make Gourmet Oreos | Gourmet Makes | Bon Appétit [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pAOuR8s03Q&ab_channel=BonApp%C3%A9tit